These are the CMD sub commands you can use with the EXTERN tiny hexer script command to execute menu actions via tiny hexer script.
Command name | Parameters | Description |
CMD.BookmarkAdd | - | Add current position to bookmarks |
CMD.BookmarkEdit | - | Change stored bookmarks |
CMD.CompareCompareEditor | TEXT FileName | Compare the editor file to another open file |
CMD.CompareCompareFile | TEXT FileName | Compare the editor file to a file on disk |
CMD.CompareCompareSelEditor | TEXT FileName | Compare the editor's selection to a another open file |
CMD.CompareCompareSelFile | TEXT FileName | Compare the editor's selection to a file on disk |
CMD.CompareCompareSimilarity | TEXT FileName [, SIGBYTE DataType [, EXTENDED Bias [, BYTE DoCompareSelectionOnly [, BYTE DoTreatDataAsBigEndian]]]] | Compare the editor file to another open file by using a "bias" value |
CMD.CompareNext | - | Navigate to the next block of differences |
CMD.ComparePrevious | - | Navigate to the previous block of differences |
CMD.CompareReset | - | Clear the comparison result buffer |
CMD.CompareShowDiffs | BYTE DoHilight | Highlight bytes that differed in comparison |
CMD.DiskFirstSector | - | Load first sector from disk |
CMD.DiskGotoSectorPosition | SIGQWORD SectorNumber | Load a specific sector from disk |
CMD.DiskLastSector | - | Load last sector from disk |
CMD.DiskNextSector | - | Load next sector from disk |
CMD.DiskOpenDrive | TEXT PartitionOrDrive [, LONGWORD AmountOfSectors [, SIGQWORD StartSector [, BYTE ReadOnly]]] | Open a hard disk, floppy or CDRom |
CMD.DiskOpenFileAsDrive | TEXT ImageFileName [, LONGWORD AmountOfSectors [, SIGQWORD StartSector [, LONGWORD BytesPerSector [, BYTE ReadOnly]]]] | Open a disk image or large file (> 2 GB) in sector mode |
CMD.DiskPreviousSector | - | Load previous sector from disk |
CMD.DiskWriteSector | - | Write changes back to disk |
CMD.EditAddToPosList | - | Add the current position to the position list |
CMD.EditConvert | TEXT TranslationFrom, TEXT TranslationTo [, BYTE DoConvertSelectionOnly] | Convert data |
CMD.EditCopy | - | Copy selection to clipboard |
CMD.EditCut | - | Cut selection to clipboard |
CMD.EditDelete | - | Delete the current selection |
CMD.EditDeleteNibble | - | Delete a half byte (nibble) at the current position |
CMD.EditFindNext | - | Repeat most recent find action |
CMD.EditFindReplace | TEXT FindReplaceWhat, BYTE DoIgnoreCase, BYTE DoFindTextOrRegEx [, TEXT Wildcard [, TEXT Replacement, BYTE DoReplaceText, BYTE DoReplaceAll]] | Find (and replace) text or data; if DoFindTextOrRegEx=2, do a regular expression search. |
CMD.EditFindStore | TEXT DataToFind, BYTE DoIgnoreCase, BYTE DoFindTextOrRegEx [, TEXT Wildcard [, BYTE DoSearchWholeDisk [, BYTE DoOverwriteCurrentList]]] | Find all occurences of a data in a document and store the results in the position list. If DoFindTextOrRegEx=2, do a regular expression search. |
CMD.EditGoto | LONGWORD Position | Goto position |
CMD.EditInsertNibble | - | Insert a half byte (nibble) at the current position |
CMD.EditPaste | - | Paste clipboard contents |
CMD.EditPasteToNew* | - | Paste clipboard contents into a new editor window |
CMD.EditRedo | - | Revoke last undo |
CMD.EditSelect | LONGWORD SelStart, LONGWORD SelEnd | Enter start and end position of the selection |
CMD.EditSelectAll | - | Select all |
CMD.EditUndo | - | Undo last modification |
CMD.EditUndoClearBuffer | - | Clear the current file's Undo buffer |
CMD.FileClose | [TEXT FileName] | Close the current window (or the window named FileName) |
CMD.FileCloseAll | - | Close all editor windows |
CMD.FileExit | - | Close |
CMD.FileExport* | TEXT ExportScriptName, TEXT FileName [, BYTE DoOnlySelection, BYTE DoToClipboard [, TEXT ScriptParams...] | Export file or current selection to disk or clipboard |
CMD.FileImport* | TEXT FileName, TEXT ImportScriptName [, TEXT ScriptParams...] | Import data from a file in a specific format to a new document |
CMD.FileImportCurrent* | TEXT FileName, TEXT ImportScriptName [, TEXT ScriptParams...] | Import data from a file in a specific format to the current document |
CMD.FileImportCurrentFromClipboard * | TEXT ImportScriptName [, TEXT ScriptParams...] | Import data from in a specific format from the clipboard to the current document |
CMD.FileImportFromClipboard * | TEXT ImportScriptName [, TEXT ScriptParams...] | Import data from in a specific format from the clipboard to a new document |
CMD.FileInsertFile | TEXT FileName | Insert the contents of a different file |
CMD.FileInsertPartialFile | TEXT FileName, LONGWORD StartPos, LONGWORD EndPos | Insert the partial (from StartPos to EndPos) contents of a different file |
CMD.FileNew | - | New file |
CMD.FileNewAdvanced | LONGWORD DataSize [, BYTE FillByte [, BYTE Translation [, BYTE InsertMode | FixedFileSize [, BYTE SwapNibbles]]]] | New file with specific properties |
CMD.FileOpen | TEXT FileNames | Open one or more files (multiple files must be separated by char(13) and/or char(10)) |
CMD.FileOpenGroup* | TEXT GroupFileName | Open a group of files |
CMD.FilePasteOverFile | TEXT FileName, LONGWORD Position [, BYTE SelectionOnly] | Paste the current data/selection over an existing file at position Position |
CMD.FilePrint | BYTE DoPrintAutomatically | Print data |
CMD.FilePrintSetup | - | Change printer options |
CMD.FileProperties* | - | Show the "File properties" window |
CMD.FileReload | [BYTE DoSkipConfirmation] | Reload the current file from disk |
CMD.FileReopenCleanup* | - | Remove not existing files from this menu |
CMD.FileSave | - | Save file |
CMD.FileSaveAs | TEXT FileName | Save file under a different name |
CMD.FileSaveGroup* | TEXT GroupFileName [, BYTE DoSaveAllOpenFiles] | Save a file group. If DoSaveAllFiles is set to 1, you are not prompted for selection of the files in the group but all open files are put in the group |
CMD.FileSaveSelection | TEXT FileName | Save the current selection to disk |
CMD.FileStatistics* | [TEXT ExportFileName [, BYTE DoCloseDialog]] | Show file statistics and possibly export them to a RTF file |
CMD.HelpAbout | - | Show the About box |
CMD.HelpIndex | - | Display the help index |
CMD.HelpLookForUpdates | - | Look for available updates on |
CMD.HelpScriptReference | - | Show the Tiny Hexer Script reference help index |
CMD.HelpVersionHistory | - | Show Tiny Hexer's version history |
CMD.MacroRecordPause | BYTE DoPauseMacro | Pause/Resume macro recording |
CMD.MacroRecordStart | - | Start recording a tiny hexer script macro |
CMD.MacroRecordStop | TEXT TargetScriptFileName | Stop recording a tiny hexer script macro and save it to a file |
CMD.OptionsCustomizeTB | - | Add or delete buttons on the tool bar |
CMD.OptionsEditCustomTranslationTable * | - | Edit custom translation table |
CMD.OptionsEditorSettings | - | Change current editor window's properties |
CMD.OptionsGlobalSettings | - | Change global settings |
CMD.OptionsLoad | TEXT FileName | Restore previously saved settings |
CMD.OptionsSave | TEXT FileName | Save current settings to file |
CMD.ProcessReadMemory | - | Open the "Read process memory" dialog |
CMD.ProcessWriteMemory | - | Show the "Write process memory" dialog |
CMD.ToolsCalculator | BYTE DoShow | Show/Hide the internal calculator |
CMD.ToolsConfigure* | - | Configure the toolbox |
CMD.ToolsExecuteScript | TEXT ScriptFileName [, TEXT Parameters...] | Load and execute an Tiny Hexer Script |
CMD.ToolsFindEditor* | BYTE DoShow | Show/Hide the editor finder |
CMD.ToolsManageADS* | - | Display the dialog for managing Alternate Data Streams |
CMD.ToolsPosList | BYTE DoShow | Show/Hide the position list |
CMD.ToolsScriptsRescan* | - | Rebuild up the Tools/Scripts menu entries from Tiny Hexer's scripts directory |
CMD.ToolsStatusWindow* | BYTE DoShow | Show/Hide the status window tool |
CMD.ToolsStructureViewer | BYTE DoShow | Show/Hide the structure viewer |
CMD.ToolsValueEditor | BYTE DoShow | Show/Hide the value editor |
CMD.ViewEditorOffsetAbsolute | BYTE DoShowAbsoluteOffset | Switch offset display between absolute offset addresses and sector/memory block relative addresses when editing disk sectors/memory blocks |
CMD.ViewEditorOffsetDec | - | Decimal offset |
CMD.ViewEditorOffsetHex | - | Hexadecimal offset |
CMD.ViewEditorOffsetNone | - | No offset |
CMD.ViewEditorOffsetOct | - | Octal offset |
CMD.ViewNumberDec | - | Show decimal numbers |
CMD.ViewNumberHex | - | Show hexadecimal numbers |
CMD.ViewNumberOct | - | Show octal numbers |
CMD.ViewPositionFromEOF | BYTE DoViewFromEOF | Switch on/off position display relative to the end of the file |
CMD.ViewReadOnlyView | BYTE DoViewReadOnly | View files, do not allow to edit |
CMD.ViewSynchronize | BYTE DoSynchronize | TEXT WindowToSynchronize [, SIGQWORD SynchronizeOffset] | Start/stop editor view synchronization |
CMD.ViewToggleInsertMode | BYTE DoEnableInsertMode | Switch to Insert/Overwrite mode |
CMD.ViewTranslationASCII7Bit | - | Switch to ASCII 7 bits character mode |
CMD.ViewTranslationCustomTranslation | - | Switch to user defined character mode |
CMD.ViewTranslationDos8Bit | - | Switch to 8 bits DOS character mode |
CMD.ViewTranslationEBCDICCodepage38 | - | Switch to EBCDIC codepage 38 character mode |
CMD.ViewTranslationMacintosh | - | Switch to Macintosh™ character mode |
CMD.ViewTranslationUnicodeBE | BYTE DoViewUnicode | Switch unicode (big endian) on/off |
CMD.ViewTranslationUnicodeLE | BYTE DoViewUnicode | Switch unicode (little endian) on/off |
CMD.ViewTranslationWindows | - | Switch to Windows (i.e. native, unconverted) character mode |
CMD.ViewWindowBar | BYTE DoShow | Toggle the window bar |
CMD.WindowCascade | - | Cascade windows |
CMD.WindowTileH | - | Tile windows horizontally |
CMD.WindowTileV | - | Tile windows vertically |
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